Just wanted to say hey to anyone checking this blog out . i am a native of Portland , Oregon who has a passion for eating and experiencing life . Recently single i figured it's time to figure out me and the things i like . Food has always been a big part of my family and i savor good food experiences and live for the chance to experience the new and familiar . my facebbok page has been stacked with pics of some of my food conquests which lead to a few people telling me I should blog , so i am here .
You won't see much 4 star food here , living on a budget , but i will be postin pics and thoughts on the lastest places i am enjoying . not a typically foodie - i don't spend alot of time reviewing places . i don't believe in giving any attention to things i don't like , momma said if you ain't got nothing nice to say don't say anyting at all . I do however promote that which i enjoy with furver . Really don't expect you to agree , it's what i like . living in a town full of restaurants , food carts , delis , etc . there is an endless supply of places to talk about . Hope you find this informative and enjoy it . I may leek a little of my lfe on this page but i'm not a food reviewer - i'm just a big guy sharing food in portland . that's not just a line , ask anyone who has sat with me at a meal - food like life is meant to be shared . post at you soon .
Good Job... Nice start and looking forward to seeing more food adventures.